ADHD and my Day-to-Day life
ADHD is a complex condition that affects people in various ways. As an extrovert, my ADHD has proven to be an asset in personal interactions. However, my biggest challenge is maintaining focus. I sometimes experience hyper-focus and can complete large projects in a matter of hours. Other times, my focus is scattered, and I waste time. Overall, my productivity averages out, but keeping up with myself can be a struggle.
My experiences and mistakes during my teenage years have taught me valuable lessons and have made me highly intuitive on a person-to-person level. I am acutely aware of my surroundings and have developed a heightened sense of interpersonal interactions.
For those with ADHD, focus can be a complicated issue. I have found that I am most focused when engaging with others. My experiences and mistakes during my teenage years have taught me valuable lessons and have made me highly intuitive on a person-to-person level. I am acutely aware of my surroundings and have developed a heightened sense of interpersonal interactions. In a new setting, I tend to be quiet at first and observe the people around me. I seek out interesting individuals and aim to learn from them. I enjoy hearing people’s stories and find that asking questions and allowing people to speak about their passions provides excellent insight. Without my interest in people, I may not have developed this skill.
Some days can be a challenge because I become restless easily. Mundane tasks lose interest quickly, and I jump from one thing to another, never accomplishing my original goals. Since my curiosity drives my focus, it can be a problem when things are less interesting. For example, I have had a box on my deck for six months that I cannot seem to throw out. Every time I attempt to pick it up, I notice something else that needs to be done, and before I know it, my whole house is clean, and the box is still there, mocking me.
Despite the challenges, I appreciate my ADHD and work around it. Without it, I would not be the person I am today. Instead of viewing it as a hindrance, I see it as a secret superpower I can harness to accomplish great things!